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UNITY Complete screens for the following genetic conditions 



Fetal Antigens (Add on)

Cystic fibrosis

Spinal muscular atrophy  

Sickle cell disease 

Alpha thalassemia

Beta thalassemia

Trisomy 21

Trisomy 13

Trisomy 18

Sex chromosome aneuploidy

D for RhD negative patients

C, c, D, E, Duffy (Fya), or Kell (K) for alloimmunized patients

UNITY Complete® 

Paternal sample not needed for prenatal genetic screening

Fetal risk assessment automatically provided for maternal carriers 

Results of genetic carrier screening are available in 7-10 days

One-time payment and one draw, most insurances accepted

Paternal sample required for genetic screening tests

Only the couple's reproductive risk can be provided, not a fetal risk

Results of carrier genetic testing are available within 4-6 weeks and dependent on collecting both parental samples

Multiple payments and appointments carrier screening for genetic conditions

Traditional carrier screening

Request a Test Kit(650) 460-2551

Know more earlier, with just one blood sample from mom. 

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(650) 460-2551

UNITY Complete is the new standard in prenatal testing

Assess fetal risk for recessive and chromosomal conditions. Optional fetal RhD status for RhD negative patients; optional red blood cell antigens C, c, D, E, Duffy (Fya), or Kell (K) for alloimmunized patients

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For new patients interested in learning more about UNITY, please reach out below.

An aneuploidy NIPT test and maternal carrier screening for recessive conditions are performed from one maternal blood sample. If mom is a carrier, a single-gene NIPT blood test (sgNIPT) is automatically performed to assess fetal risk using the same sample. UNITY is a screening test. Any high-risk result should be followed up with diagnostic testing.



Cystic fibrosis 

Spinal muscular atrophy  

Sickle cell disease 

Alpha thalassemias 

Beta thalassemias 


Trisomy 21

Trisomy 18

Trisomy 13

Sex chromosome aneuploidy

D for RhD negative patients
C, c, D, E, Duffy (Fya), or Kell (K) for alloimmunized patients

Fetal Antigens (Add on)

For healthcare providers, reach out below and we'll provide a UNITY kit to your clinic at no cost.